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The two main types of glass are
Cathedral and Opalescent.
Cathedral Glass - Transparent Glass, generally in a
single color. Named for the original 'tinted glass' first
used in 10th century European cathedrals. Normal house
window glass would be considered 'clear cathedral'. Cathedral
glass comes in a very wide variety of colors and surface textures.
Opalescent Glass - Semi-opaque, with a milky appearance.
Opalescent glass can be one solid color, but it is generally
a mixture of two or more colors with streaks and swirls.
True opalescent glass transmits very little light, however, opalescent
stained glass is generally translucent.
 Panel uses clear cathedral waterglass around the center engraved bevel, with
a row of clear bevels and clear cathedral glue
chip glass on the outside.
 This Lily panel uses solid white opalescent
glass for an outside border. The left background
is a translucent streaky glass while the right background
is pale purple cathedral waterglass.
Translucent Glass - Transmitting light but with diffusion
so as to eliminate the perception of distinct images. If
you place your hand behind translucent glass, you can see it's
shadow but can't see any of the distinct features. Used
in panels and windows. Almost always the primary glass
used in lamps.
Streaky Glass - Made from stirring together two colors
of glass, generally both opalescent type glass. The streaks
produce another dimension to the artistic impression of the glass.
For example, 'trees' made of a one color opalescent glass would
look 'one dimensional' but when made with streaky glass they
give the perception of having leaves and branches.
Wispy Glass - Made from stirring together two colors of glass,
generally one opalescent and one cathedral type glass.
Similar to streaky glass, but to a lesser degree since cathedral
glass is generally the 'background' glass. An example is
light blue glass and wispy white glass used for the sky in a
panel. The impression is of 'wispy' clouds.
Textures - The surface texture of a type of glass.
Most glass is generally smooth. While surface textures can be
applied to either cathedral or opalescent glass, textures are
generally used mostly on cathedral glass. The most common
surface textures are waterglass and rough rolled. More
exotic textures are Glue Chip, Artique, Baroque or Iridescent.
Various types of textures are discussed and pictured below.
Hot Air Balloons
This foiled balloon
panel uses many types of glass. Translucent single color
and streaky glasses were used in the balloon, so that the colors
are more vibrant when light shines through the panel. The
barn, fields and trees were made of streaky opalescent glasses.
A light blue and white wispy glass was used for the sky.
Finally, a very dark streaky glass was used for a border.
The pattern
for this panel is available in the pattern section of the website.
to Patterns |
Note: Glass pictures
shown are of an 8" x 10" piece of glass.
Artique Glass
Artique - Often called 'semi-antique' this is a machine-made
glass which resembles very expensive, hand-made 'antique' glass.
Artique glass has a surface texture used mostly on cathedral
glass which has very distinctive fine lines that lightly distorts
the optical clarity. Artique glass is most often used as
a background glass where some distortion is desired, such as
in external house windows. Artique is a Registered Trademark
of Spectrum Glass Company.
on Clear Baroque Glass
Baroque - Unique textured glass with heavy surface texture
and lots of swirls. Most often made of light colored cathedral
glass or a combination of a darker opalescent color swirled into
a light cathedral background glass. Artique glass is generally
used as a background glass where some distortion is desired,
such as in external house windows. Also used where a special
effect is desired. Baroque is a Registered Trademark of Spectrum
Glass Company.
 Pale Blue Glue Chip
Glue Chip - Texture created by applying glue to surface
of cathedral glass. As the glue dries, the glue shrinks
and bits of glass are chipped away, producing a 'fern-like affect.
Used most often for background glass where medium optical distortion
is desired. Clear glue chip glass is often used with bevels
in windows.
Granite Glass
Granite - This texture is primarily available only in
clear glass. It has a very heavy random bump pattern on
the surface. The texture is similar to hammered, below,
however, the granite texture is more intense and more random.
Light diffusion and distortion is extreme. The heavily
textured glass is often used as a background glass where significant
optical distortion is desired, such as in bathroom windows.
Hammered Glass
Hammered - A surface texture similar to hammered brass
or copper. Small, round, smooth bumps applied to one surface
of cathedral glass. Used most often as a background glass
where a very heavy texture with significant optical distortion
is desired. Also used in bathroom windows where significant
optical distortion is desired.
 Clear Iridized Waterglass
Iridescent - Not a surface texture, but a special surface
finish. Finish produces a metallic sheen creating a rainbow
affect. Affect varies depending upon the color of the glass
it is applied to. Darker glass colors produce the most
distinct rainbow colors. Much more subtle affect on lighter
colored glass. See clear glass at left and black glass
below. Generally used where a very special effect is desired,
such as for angel wings or candle holders.
 Black Iridized Waterglass
Iridescent - Darker glass colors produce the most distinct
rainbow colors from iridized glass. The rainbow affect
is much more subtle on lighter colored glass. See black
glass at left and clear glass above.
Mirrored Krinkle
Krinkle - This texture is available only in clear or mirror
glass. It has a very heavy random line pattern on the surface.
Light diffusion and distortion is extreme. The heavily
textured Krinkle glass is primarily used as a background glass.
Blue Rough Rolled
Rough Rolled - A very common surface texture. This
is a very slight texture added to the surface with a rough roller
while the glass is molten. Most often used on cathedral
glass. Smooth cathedral glass is often considered "one
dimensional" as it has a somewhat flat look to it.
Rough rolled cathedral glass is often used instead of smooth
glass, since it has a very mild texture giving it another dimension
and a very slight distortion to images seen through the glass.
Seedy Glass
Seedy - A surface texture used on cathedral glass, which
also runs through the interior of the glass. Small, air
bubbles are trapped in the glass. Used most often for background
glass where a very light texture with only slight optical distortion
is desired.
Purple Waterglass
Waterglass - By far the most popular surface texture.
Surface resembles the rippling effect of water in light wind.
Used most often for background glass where a very light texture
and medium optical distortion is desired. Waterglass is a Registered
Trademark of Spectrum Glass Company.
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